2:00pm - 6:00pm, Sunday, April 13, 2025
2-3pm All Levels Technique Class w/ Joerg & Sarah Schlatterer
3-6pm Dancing w/ DJ : Ramu Pyreddy
Community Mixer Tanda @ 4:30pm
Host(s): Jonathan Fernandes
LIVE MUSIC by Tango Mercurio Ensemble
Heyni Solera (Bandoneon), Rodrigo Avalos (Bandoneon), Valerie Higgs (Piano), Juyoun Han (Violin), Maxfield Wollam-Fisher (Cello), Cyndy Elliott (Bass)
Our Matinee Milonga continues…
Afternoons on 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month.
Future Dates:
April 27
May 11, (no Milonga on May 25)
June 8, 22
July 13, 27
August 10, 24
6:30pm - 8:45pm, Thursday, April 17, 2025
Hosted by Dance Place & Tango Mercurio
Beginner Event Free & Open to ALL.
Dance Place, 3225 8th St NE, Washington, DC 20017
Join the Dance Place & Tango Mercurio for an enchanting evening of dance and connection at "Tango & Mingle."
2:00pm - 5:00pm, Saturday & Sunday
May 17-18, 2025
Sponsored by Armed Services Arts Partnership (ASAP)
Free Beginner Event; No Partner Needed;
Open to Veterans, Service members, Military family members, or caregivers;
La Cosecha, 1280 4th St NE, Washington, DC 20002

A tango community is an association of dancers of all levels who attend social dances called “milongas” and informal practice gatherings called “prácticas.” For a tango community to grow and survive, dancers must have enjoyable dance experiences in a friendly environment.
We host regular events for alumni of the school and members of the tango community at large.
Join us for our Matinee Milonga in the afternoon at La Cosecha Latin market on the second & fourth Sundays of the month (see dates below).
Come dance with us! Our goal is to create a welcoming, affirming, and fun dance space where all levels can participate.
2-3pm Tango Technique Class (All Levels); 3-6pm Dancing.
The event is held in the brand-new wood-floored mezzanine level space overlooking the market.
All are welcome, no partner needed. Arriving hungry? Sample some of the quality Latin fare available in the market.
La Cosecha is a contemporary market celebrating Latin American culture and conversation through authentic flavors, art, and heritage.
La Cosecha Latin Market
1280 4th Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002
(NoMa-Gallaudet U / New York Ave Metro Station)
Parking in La Cosecha Parking Garage is free for the first 3 hours and $15 thereafter.
Future dates:
April 13, 27
May 11, (no milonga on May 25)
June 8, 22
July 13, 27
August 10, 24
$15/Class; $15/Dancing;
(Free for Seasonal Pass Holders)
If you have any questions about our milongas, are interested in teaching, DJing, or volunteering at one of our milongas or practicas, please contact us!