Support Us

Our Mission

Tango Mercurio is an arts-education organization presenting Argentine tango as an agent of community development. Because tango is a community-based art form with a global following, it embraces dancers, musicians, and the public at large across boundaries of identity, class, and generation. Our mission is to promote cultural understanding and social cohesion through Argentine tango by providing ongoing public opportunities for dance, music, learning, and community engagement, and generous donors like you make it possible!


As a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization, Tango Mercurio is able to accept tax-deductible donations. Your financial contributions help us support live tango music for dancing, develop outreach programs for young people and the elderly, host high-quality public talks and performances, and sponsor teacher trainings and internships.

If you would like to make a donation, please mail a check, payable to Tango Mercurio, click the button below to donate online.


Volunteers are needed for a wide variety of tasks, such as welcoming guests at our milongas, playing an instrument in our orchestra, assisting with demonstrations in our outreach projects, writing grant proposals, planning special events such as Tango Talks or our annual Fishnet Fete fundraiser, updating the website and social media, bookkeeping and accounting, or responding to inquiries. Most volunteers get benefits such as free classes or free entry to our milongas.


Attending any of our classes or special events is a nice way to support us while at the same time making space for dance in your own life. All revenues beyond operating expenses support our outreach, music, and public performance projects.

Learn More!

Read our 2023 Annual Report to learn more about our organization, our activities, and initiatives.